I feel blue. I admit. My moods have been changing all past week as often as the weather in my country. I was larching from one extreme to another and couldn't keep the balance for more than half a day! It was a drama! I explain myself that it is caused, of course by lack of the sun. I was probably the only one who didn't complain about the weather when thermometers in Poland showed 40 Celsius degrees ;). So I have to say, I got lost a little somewhere among the coming autumn symptomps (why I wasn't born in Spain?!) but I'm slowly standing for cruel reality. Anyway, here's cocoa, elegant set for you which is the best to wear at the office, at work or on a businness meeting. Today are reigning: MOHITO (dress, handbag), VERO MODA (jacket), CENTRO (high-heels), BY DZIUBEKA (ring), BEL' AMOUR (necklace) and ROSMANN (earrings).
Dress - "Mohito", Bag - "Mohito" |
Necklace - "Bel' Amour" |
High Heels - "Centro" |
Jacket -"Vero Moda" |
Earrings - "Rossmann" |
Ring - "By Dziubeka" |
Fot. Robert Wyżga |