Urodziłam się 10 maja i jako zodiakalny Byk utożsamiam się bardzo z tym miesiącem.
Dlatego swój pierwszy post publikuje właśnie w maju! Ot, tak - na szczęście :)
Mam nadzieję, że moja pierwsza stylizacja - mix majowych kolorów - zaprezentowana na moim ukochanym Podgórzu w Krakowie, gdzie obecnie mieszkam, przypadnie wam do gustu.
May is considered by many as the most beautiful month of the year. First of all because everything is starting to be colourful and vibrant then. We are also willing to take action much more than in winter. We are changing jobs, forgetting about the old, stretching for too long matters or sometimes we are even falling in love :)
I was born on May 10th and as a Taurus I identify with this month highly.
That's why I decided to publish my first post in May! Yeah, just as a symptom of good luck:)
I hope you will like my first stylization- mix of colors of May - presented to my favourite district Podgórze in Kraków, where I'm living currently.
T-shirt - Second hand "Roban", Leggings - Bershka, Shoes - Centro, Bag - Second hand "Roban" |
Fot. F. Kołodziejski |